Encore Demo AudioTheme : Responsive WordPress Music Theme

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Encore is a responsive and highly clean music WordPress theme for musicians and entertainment artists. AudioTheme covers various features that DJ, Bands, Singers and musicians would expect from a complete music template. This theme provides customization options to control front-page, header, sidebar, navigation and everything. Apart from that, it also includes full music theme features package that is included with all AudioTheme templates.

Encore AudioTheme - Responsive Music Theme for WordPress

In our opinion, this theme should be able to work as a music blog, gigs listing site, and all other needs. Just like demo preview you can post gigs, music albums, and all media items like photos and videos in clear way. The theme uses minimum extra graphics to maintain speed and clear visibility.

Promenade Review – AudioTheme

Encore AudioTheme : Features Details

Make It Yours : This title may sound little funny but it reveals the biggest side of flexibility. The customizer panel consist of powerful options list with preview box. So administrators can always view changes made for style, layouts and other areas. Customizer is the only entity that provides you support to change color skin, logo, header, typography, background and other areas.

Hence, site owners can adjust each settings as per their preference as they require. The ready option gives you more speed and flexibility for customization task. Hence, you need to do coding work or buy extra plugins to setup a unique and professional music site.

Customizer - Encore AudioTheme

Music Player : The Encore WordPress theme has site-wide player supported by play-list options. To add this player in your site, you have to install “Cue Bar” plugin which helps you to add music player. From options panel, you can manage to display player only on homepage or for entire site. The plugin offers back-end options to create custom player list and then assign one to Audio player.

The site-wide jams are helpful to stream music while browsing website. It is good idea to promote popular tracks or new album songs to get more sales. This way, you can make demo of your best music tracks to increase sales and popularity of your music albums.

Audio Player Cue Plugin - Encore AudioTheme

Navigation Menu : The theme has a 2 custom header menus which shows top page links and social icons on heder. Header top area shows primary navigation bar with all page/post links assigned from menus customization page. The right side of header shows social navigation bar with custom icons. So whatever social links you add from customization page will be displayed using relevant social icons.

More Features : Encore Music Theme

Homepage Elements : As per the demo view, we can say that AudioTheme has used best design concept to create this music template. Header allows you to setup a logo and tag-line in just a few moments. Now, if we come over to homepage then you can add featured image which is used as homepage logo. This image is shown in round shape which could be singer’s photo or special logo image that reflects your brand.

You can customize front-page to show a logo, introduction, music player, contacts, and other contents as per your choice.

Custom Header Navigation - Encore Theme

Responsive Design : Music WordPress themes should always include this feature as default mode. Because you should always expect mobile and all handy device visitors for your site. And your site can only perform on smart phones and other small screen devices when it is fully responsive. Encore theme shows a hamburger type menu button on small screens. So user can still view navigation links as well as sidebar widgets under single area.

The images, videos, header area and fonts are resized by responsive design. So user can access all elements along with audio player from any modern internet devices. This feature can not only help you offer better browsing experience but it can also boost sales for events and music albums.

Encore Discography Listing

Archive Pages : Every music entity like gigs, discography, videos, and photos as assigned custom page. So user can access all similar contents under one plage. The top header can provide direct connectivity to all the important pages. These pages can be customized with multiple columns layout like 1,2, and more columns. Also you can assign navigation bar for each archive page so that user can filter contents.

The header area of each page is customizable so you can set relevant header image as per page type. When you assign custom title and unique header background for pages, then it becomes more attractive.

Encore Gigs Listing for Music Shows

AudioTheme Music Features :

Encore WordPress theme offers a special widget which is provided free with all AudioTheme templates. Enabling this single plugin on your site can give you access to all key music features that is required for content listing. Once AudioTheme plugin in activated then you will see back-end menu options bar with Discography, Gigs, Videos and other options.

These options will enable you to add new videos, new event/concerts, albums, music list, videos, photo gallery and other stuff. The events page will show map, venue, timings, custom links and details for each gigs listing. Not only that, you will get similar option to add new music albums with custom cover and music list. So fans can browse albums and listen to tracks with in-built-in player.

Gigs Schedule Page - Encore

Same way, you can take benefit of built-in blog page to create a news section. If we talk about widget sections then Encore provides an off-screen sidebar panel on the left of the screen. So user can see sidebar widgets by clicking on toggle button. By default, you will see full-width type homepage layout as widgets as hidden behind off-screen widget bar.

This is best premium WordPress theme we have ever reviewed till date. We like it’s clean and content based layout which easily attracts visitors towards bold title and featured images. Musicians can use it to promote their music shows, big concerts, Orchestra business, or anything that is required by music industry.

AudioTheme – Encore Theme : Click for Demo & Price