Tinos News Blogging WordPress Theme : CSSIgniter

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Tinos is a blog and news WordPress theme suitable for content writers and authors who loves simple clean design. CSSIgniter has tried to create a full-width and content focused homepage layout where user can just see featured post entries and nothing else. The top header and footer sections provide navigation options and widget areas to meet content promotion needs.

Tinos Blog WordPress Theme - CSSIgniter

Any one who needs a news type website to write stories and tutorials can go with this theme. It’s crystal clear and fast loading design will impress visitors despite having simple design. We always suggest this theme when our clients need text content focused website for blogging needs.

Beaute Theme Review : CSSIgniter

Tinos WordPress Theme : Blog Features

Unique Layout : Looking at the theme design and single post layout easily tells about how every story is going to look on the screen. The layout options provide you choice to select post format, single/multiple columns for content section and excerpt length. Therefore, you can decide what and how many words will appear in home featured area.

The homepage shows each stories with full-width layout using multiple columns space to display title, contents and featured images. Bloggers are able to select one, or two columns layout for every story from within blog editor screen.

Tinos Layout - Featured Post Homepage

Post Formats : Choosing right way to show each content is really important for bloggers. Tinos provide custom post formats list so you can always decide to go with standard, audio, video or relevant layout. When you select post type, the post editor screen automatically show options to add or embed media items, gallery etc.

We loved the way it shows blog articles with content rich layout while still maintaining distraction free structure for easy readability. The clean content layout won’t just show texts clearly but also display featured images, videos, calls to action and other elements nicely. The light and fast loading page layout maintains good SEO score to bring many readers on the website.

Tinos Video Format

Spencer CSSIgniter : Blog Theme

CSSIgniter Blogging Theme Features :

Single Post : As I just said that blog posts can be customized with layout options. You can show articles with one or two columns with media items. Every article shows category or taxonomy list on the top area so that user can jump onto category archive section to read more articles. The right mist side space shows featured image and rest of the body content appers in the middle area.

The comments form is there to display readers views or questions so that authors can reply and talk with commentators. Shortcodes elements are provided to add buttons, lines and other stylish contents required to create reviews, or tutorials types articles.

Tinos Single Post and Comments

Custom Widgets : The footer section works as content space to display banners, categories, social links, author details, contacts etc. You can choose to show any widget in footer area to boost newsletter readers, social followers, and page-views for latest blog posts. Thanks to footer for offering horizontal widget space so user can jump onto other contents instead of leaving website.

Tinos Widgets In Footer

Customizer : Working with easy options panel will give you joy of freedom and peace for your mind. The customier shows all theme options including header, navigation, layouts, color styles, font styles etc. You choose to decide any object for website and it will show you visual options to make those chances without coding skill.

Other Basic Theme Options :

Responsive : Tinos WordPress theme is used to publish news stories so most of the readers are likely to come from handy devices. That’s why it is developed with responsive foundation so that user can easily load blog stories from small mobile screens. This flexible layout can show menu bar, single blog post and home featured post entries in best resized style.

Tinos Responsive

Header Menus : Link important blog categories and page links in main navigation bar given into header. You can choose header style by adding custom logo, and menubar. The header shows think double lines in bottom to separate header from the rest of the area. The header supports drop-down menu to display top level and sub-level links.

The simple pagination is used to navigate onto pages with numbered buttons on home and archive pages. User can browse posts from navigation menu and pagination links. We think that blogging task should be effective and simple and if yo agree with this statement then go with this WordPress theme. The ability to comply with last SEO and design rules makes it best choice for all blogging needs.

Tinos Header Navigation

CSSIgniter – Beaute Theme : Click for Demo & Price