Rich Chique RichWP – Best Fashion Blog & Magazine WordPress Theme

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Rich Chique is a Magazine WordPress theme for girl fashion bloggers. RichWP has introduced this blog template with women, moms and all female bloggers. Though it is not limited to one single niche or particular gender group. Free fashion blogs normally comes with out dated features, but this WP theme offers many features.

Rich Chique Demo - Minimal WordPress Blog Theme by RichWP

You can try out free version that insert credit link in footer and excludes support. Hence, there are two options, either buy premium version to get support or free with given draw back in mind. It supports your need to start fashion news site, adsense blog or magazine portal easily.

RichOne Review – RichWP

Rich Chique Key Features – Fashion Blog Theme:

Frontpage : : Fashion authors can highlight latest articles on front page. The listing layout uses big featured images to stick articles in visitor’s attention. Thanks to custom featured listing options for offering custom excerpt and featured image options. The alternate homepage include front-page builder that utilize native WordPress functions to retain performance and main design concept.

Rich Chique Frontpage - Featured Post and Sharing Options

Visitors love browsing contents when they big titles, featured images and excerpt showing little information about articles. This is best fashion design theme for people who need a stylish blog.

Sharing Links : Readers can access social media sharing links everywhere from featured to single post sections. This feature is integrated using Jetpack plugin so that bloggers can increase visitors. The stylish and colorful sharing icons use social site logos. Hence visitors can easily find button for their favorite social media site.

Social sharing is considered as best tool to get traffic without using Paid Ads.

Rich Chique - Social Sharing Options

Floating Sidebar : Rich Chique is best WordPress themes for fashion bloggers. It has custom sidebar layout where you can display links, banners and email signup form. Thanks to Sticky floating sidebar that always shows widgets even with long pages. The footer is another fixed widget section to display categories, latest posts, author biography etc. Overall, it has light weight and minimalist design ideal for heavy content sites.

Rich Chique - Floating Sidebar

RichWP Benefits – Magazine WordPress Theme :

Single Post : Every single article will promote fashion news using videos, gallery, and paragraphs. Chic bloggers can use custom posts to embed videos, and display image gallery. Media integration becomes important when it comes to share fashion news. You can use Jetpack gallery to display fashion photo collection within articles.

Apart from big title and taxonomies, there are options to display author detail at bottom. User can browse related articles within bottom area to check more blog posts from the same fashion category. Each post shows custom post type icons so user can recognize if it is video or gallery or regular post.

Rich Chique Single Post - Fashion Blog Theme

Header / Floating Menu : The large header promotes custom logo on the left side and custom banner on right. The header widget can display Ad banner, or anything you want to promote. The navigation bar comes with fixed layout so it is visible on the page while scrolling.

The primary menu shows custom links for pages, and categories. You can enable social navigation links, along with search and cart icon. Hence visitors can browse main topics and social profiles within single bar. Rich Chique includes styling options to edit header background, and all contents.

Responsive : Most of the premium fashion blog templates provide mobile friendly layout and navigation. This WordPress theme is fully responsive so that user can browse fashion news stories from tablet and mobile devices. The auto resized mobile preview shows blog post, videos, gallery, menu and featured posts in proper scaled view.

The Rich Chique Responsive Theme - Fashion Bloggers

Rich Chique – Fashion News Theme Conclusion :

This is conclusion part for best selling fashion blogging WordPress theme. There are some features left to discuss before we offer final review text. So keep reading about more features and then you can decide on which WordPress theme should be best for magazine theme.

Widget Areas : There are additional widget areas available besides footer and sidebar. There is an optional widget area available to display Sign Up Forms or Banner ads. This section appear below the header and just above all the pages. Hence, anything placed in this widget section is promoted site-wide.

Widget Area - Rich Chique Blogging Theme

WooCommerce : Girly bloggers can start selling craft items, cloths, jewellery, books, and courses from website. This eCommerce plugin integrates payment options and shop page. Therefore, bloggers can define shop page to sell any type of goods. Even if you sell courses, tutorials or services then it can help you accept online payment.

Rich Chique - WooCommerce Fashion Blog Template

Easy Options : The premium blog theme is powered by special visual options panel. The customizer provides access to all theme options from one dashboard. Hence, site owners can edit logo, color styles, menu while watching preview. User can refer to documentation guide and manage theme options to develop highly professional magazine or blog platform.

RichWP – Rich Chique Theme : Click for Demo & Price