StudioPress Niche Pro by Bloom : Genesis Affiliate Blogging Theme

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Introducing one of the best blogging theme called Niche Pro released by Bloom who is 3rd party genesis developer. StudioPress has released this WordPress theme on their official website so genesis users can buy it easily for blogging needs. If you are beginning with new blog or journal or affiliate marketing site then this is the theme you require.

The default theme style provides feminine look so that lady bloggers and girl entrepreneurs can begin with a best content marketing website. Whether you need a blog, online shop or small business service marketing portal then look no more and try out this one.

Niche Pro WordPress Genesis Theme - StudioPress

Magazine Pro Review : StudioPress

Features Review For Niche Pro Genesis Child Theme :

Widgetized Design : The homepage is flexible and engaging enough to attract visitor’s towards best contents. The widget focused homepage can accommodate multiple content sections to display best categories list, latest posts, and email sign-up section. Hence, visitors will easily get a quickly look at recent blog posts, email subscribe sections and top categories.

The homepage uses “Read more” link with excerpt style and nice thumbnail for featured posts and categories. So, you must get lots of page-views from visitors coming directly to homepage.

Niche Pro Homepage

Header Area : The top section, just above the header area can display optional Instagram feed. That means, visitors should be able to see bunch of photos list in full-width style. If you utilize Instagram to share contents and manage interaction with readers then Niche Pro WordPress theme provides tight support for Instagram. A special page template has been provided to display Instagram shares.

Niche Pro - Fixed Menu and Instagram Feed

Floating Menu : This is most useful element of header area that shows best categories and page links. The primary header can show logo, menu links and search box so that visitors can easily locate desired contents. The optional floating menu design can show menu all the time when user scrolls on website.

StudioPress Lifestyle Pro : Magazine Theme

Custom Templates and Widgets : StudioPress Blog Theme

Single Post : Just check a post from Niche Pro demo to see it’s power. The single blog posts can show lots of details like taxonomies, author detail, publish date, next/previous dates, comments box and more. You can also add sharing links by using extra plugins mentioned in setup process.

In-short, this is best WordPress theme having engaging and SEO friendly layout. Fast page loading speed and unique layout options can add beauty to overall presentation.

Niche Theme - Single Post

Widget Areas for Ads : With any blogging theme, you need a way to place banners and advertisements. That’s why, developers have provided some special ad locations where you can show ads into pages, posts, homepage and other sections. The sidebar and footer are also best places to promote contents, social links, and Ad banners.

Niche Pro Genesis Theme - Sidebar Widgets

3 Page Layouts : With this genesis child blogging theme, there is no restriction when it comes to customize page style. You can choose homepage with sidebar on left or right or in full-width style. These 3 page layouts are applicable to all pages and posts that you list within website.

Once admin user set default layout then it becomes first choice for every page, and you can chance layout from page editor if required.

Niche Pro Extra Features Details :

eCommerce Shop : The support for WooCommerce styling provides full package to start online store without technical skill. Women bloggers can sell eBooks, Recipes, services, fashion goods and other items with integrated shop. Hence, you can have a blog style homepage with extra shop section to make extra profit by selling digital or physical goods.

Niche Pro Shop by WooCommerce

Customizer : Start your blog easily without learning HTML coding or CSS design. Just use options from WordPress customizer and genesis options panel to create blog type website. Special options are available manage header, page layouts, typography, color styles and more.

Responsive Niche Pro is a blog template for genesis framework, which is highly trusted platform to create websites on WordPress CMS. The fully mobile ready layout works on smallest screens on your tablet, mobile, laptop and all devices. Thanks to mobile menu and flexible design which resize itself to fit view port.

Niche Pro Responsive

The page templates list provides landing page, blog, category archive page and more. Hence, you will not need to put hard work to create a marketing website, blog or news sharing portal. This is one of the best premium genesis blog template having modern features required for journal writers.

Studiopress – Niche Pro Theme : Click for Demo & Price