Minus – Thrive Themes : WordPress Blog Theme for Marketers

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Introducing Minus by Thrive Themes : A WordPress theme for marketers, bloggers, and business people wanting to promote their products. This theme provides excellent minimal content showcase platform to display everything in clean way. The demo shows the effect of it’s elegant and minimalism which can surely impress visitors at the very first visit.

Squared Review – Thrive Themes

We just love this WordPress theme for providing simplicity with style. Hence, your website will look effective and content friendly despite using simple style. The theme comes with all options needed to setup color, layout, background and everything. If you have been planning to create an authority type online product marketing portal then Minus is best solution.

Minus Demo - WordPress Marketing Theme - Thrive Themes

This single WordPress theme can deliver lots of shortcodes, landing pages and page builder options. Hence, you will definitely see results in the form of more subscribers, sales leads and business inquiries.

Minus Thrive Themes : Best Features Review

Versatile Homepage : What you see with live demo is just single example of what you can do with this theme. Flexibility is main goal of this theme and that’s why it offers built-in shortcodes and widgets. Hence, you can add all your services, product intro, calls to action, blog posts, contacts, price plans, videos, and other stuff into home sections.

The home section orders can be changed easily and you can add a few or many sections as per your need. Thanks to Minus developer for providing excellent shortcodes collection with this marketing template. Because, you can use shortcodes to present product features, email sign-up box, demo images, video intro and other stuff.

A marketing portal is all about spreading product or service details in effective way. And that’s only possible when you adapt to unique website structure that looks different than competitors. This blog marketing theme includes advanced WordPress design and layout features. That’s why it offers smooth scrolling speed and many styling options.

Landing Template - Minus Marketing Template

Landing Pages : Marketing portal is not complete unless it has best landing page section. Thrive Themes WordPress templates are packed with default set of landing template so you can add Pre and Post product launch details in effective way. The templates list consist of standard landing page for introduction and promotion. In addition, you also get access to pages to create video lead generation page, email confirmation page, Thank you page and more.

Other Great Features Of Minus WordPress Theme

Page Builder : This default tool makes wide way for marketers to create highly engaging website. The demo sample data can help you create a landing page website in quick mode. But, if you still want to go for something different then you can use page builder. The builder elements and shortcodes will enable you to develop a highly complex structure for big marketing projects.

Hence, you can easily add a long homepage or lading page to display product video intro, demo screen-shot, features, price/special offers, plans, benefits and more. you, can also add sign-up box to collection emails and send user a free trial link. There are many ways to get leads in marketing world and this WordPress theme provides you all necessary tools to develop an effective blog and marketing site.

Thrive Themes Rise Review : Blogging Theme

Customization : The theme options panel covers everything from styling to high level of customization need. Thrive Themes Minus has various color skins options, fonts collection and more. You can optimize your marketing website by selecting custom background, color and image for different sections. The theme let’s you pick unique color for Focus area, Header, Buttons and other elements.

Minus - Responsive Blogging Theme

Responsive : A WordPress blog or business or any marketing site should be capable to serve mobile and handy device users. Therefore, programmers has used fully responsive design mode in theme development. So whoever creates a website using Minus theme can rip lots of benefits. For e.g. you can get SEO benefits, target more visitors from search engines etc.

Not only that, you can also invite mobile, tablet, laptop and other users to check out your products. And finally yo can see increased visitors, plenty of page views and many leads.

Blog Features : Thrive Themes

Blog Page Layout : I was so impressed when I saw the blog page on live demo. It uses 2 columns content section layout to display many posts on single page. It just looks awesome with circular featured thumbnails, bold title and little excerpt preview. The sidebar keeps visitors engaged by showing tabs with recent, popular and custom posts.

Blog Page - Minus Thrive Themes

Bloggers can use custom widgets to show author intro, top categories, Advertisements, social links and other stuff. The numbered pagination takes visitors to previous pages to find more blog posts. The single blog post shows floating social share button with large attractive icons in circular style. So readers will be surely enticed to share your posts on their social profile pages.

Apart from that, Author detail box and threaded comments options are integrated below blog posts. So visitors can know all about writer and also begin discussion using comments feature. The ” Focus Areas” are provided above blog post, below blog post and for blog page. So this could be great place to promote banners, marketing campaigns or email sign-up form.

Blog Post - Minus Demo

You will also like multi-columns drop down menu which gives you same benefit as given in MegaMenu concept. So marketers can add plenty of links, featured posts and other stuff under menu drop-down list. I just recommend WordPress marketers, bloggers and all content experts to choose Minus for their current or new website. Read product detail page to know about other general features which are not discussed in this review.

Thrive Themes – Minus Theme : Click for Demo & Price