Foxy Business WordPress Theme : Elegant Themes Review

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Foxy is a WordPress business and eCommerce theme by Elegant Themes. This versatile theme is capable to function as business site, stand alone store or in combination. If you would like to create a business website to highlight services and products then here is best way. The sleek and beautiful design makes it very attractive for any personal or business needs.

Fable Theme Review – Elegant Themes


Other best elements includes gallery support, blog page, full-width templates, widgets and much more. The theme has ePanel so you can edit and manage every section using this advanced options panel. If you are starting first website then you are still eligible for it. Just read the attached documentation to learn every step of customization.

The Corporation Review : Elegant Themes

Foxy WordPress Theme : Features Review

What makes this theme more powerful is built-in options and customization panel. It was developed for all people who knows programming or those who are novice. You have to know little about WordPress and that’s all you need. Let’s check-out every main feature so that you can know how easily you can setup everything.

Responsive Design : If we go back in history then trend of responsive websites was hardly known. But with the arrival of digital internet devices (Tablet, Mobiles), people have started using them to access internet. So it becomes very crucial to develop responsive website that works on smallest and all types of screens. You can try out browsing Elegant Themes Foxy demo from any device, and it will easily work anywhere.


Same experience is delivered for desktop and hand held devices. This modern design concept easily resize fonts, images, header, navigation menu and all other stuff. This is the first theme from this developer that works over resolution over 960px. It can adjust over

Color Schemes : This feature is going to give you excellent look for your website. You just have to make choice of color skin from WordPress customizer. The theme let’s you change color for navigation bar, background etc. If you don’t want to use color for background] area then just pick any image of your choice. And see how your website will easily impress all the visitors.


Content should be main focus for any website but styling also plays equal role to maintain readability. You can only impress your visitors when you choose right typography, colors and background style.

Elegant Themes Business Theme : Benefits

Till now we talked on some important features that would improve content presentation and browsing experience. Now we will discuss on those features which helps you to create best homepage and foundation for your business. Let’s check-out every home section of Foxy WordPress Theme to see how it can be helpful for your business or store needs.

Slideshow : This WordPress theme has been developed to show-off best posts and pages on homepage area. The slider helps you to display desired posts and pages in animated way. Options panel gives you tab to manage slideshow and everything. You can choose posts or custom pages for slider. The slider options are found below post editor under “ET Settings”. It offers you option to add title, details, link and featured image for slides.


The animation slideshow presentation makes appealing preview of all your best contents. The slideshow offers navigation arrows and it also work in automatic mode.

Home Blurbs : This is a featured section of Foxy homepage which has been offered to display custom page. The back-end panel helps you to display custom pages or any information in this section. It has 3 sections so you can populate each one with custom title, icon / featured image, text and link. This is best place to promote any important pages like : About us, Services etc.


Calls To Action : Do you often need to get visitor’s attention for special offers or email signups ?. Then you could utilize this block to display couple of text with bold button. The options page helps you to add text, button text and custom link to visit any page. So this could be very helpful to encourage visitors to check-out your latest product, new service, offer or any other page.


More Features by Foxy Elegant Themes :

WooCommerce Product Slider : Foxy WordPress theme easily integrates with WooCommerce shopping cart. So creating an eCommerce website becomes a lot easier compare to hiring programmer. You can install this plugin to create additional shop with your website or start a stand alone shop. While adding products to shop page, you can also feature them on homepage.

The homepage product slider is dedicated to display products from store section. You just have to click “Feature” check-box and you will see it on home slider. This is best feature to highlight best products directly on homepage. It can not only get buyers attention but also increase your store sales.


Tabs and Testimonial Block : Last but not least, this feature helps you to use tabbed block to display custom page on front page. You just have to access homepage options to configure all 3 home tabs with desired pages. Hence, your readers can easily check-out multiple page sections easily without refreshing the page. Thanks to Ajax tabs section which shows multiple blocks in single section.

The client’s testimonials are very helpful to show the proof of your best quality. Foxy theme has custom post type for testimonials where you can specify text and featured image.


Before we conclude the discussion I would like to ask you to visit live demo to see unique navigation menu. Placing mouse on menu will show you stylish floating color effect. You can add menus on header and footer area. The header is best place to setup primary navigation and display business logo. The footer offers widget space to display social links, contacts and other details.

Elegant Themes – Foxy Theme : Click for Demo & Price