WPlook Themes Event Demo : WordPress Theme for Events

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Event WordPress theme is a advanced package suitable for people who need website to promote events and conferences. WPlook has offered all best features in this single WP theme, so that you can develop website to promote Congresses, Annual Functions, Trade expos, Exhibitions and Seminars. Not that only, the theme also provides flexible options to display speakers list, conference, upcoming events, conference tickets etc.

Event WPlook - Responsive Event WordPress Theme

Just give it a try to see how it can promote your business meetings and conferences. We referred to live demo and product documentation which revealed that it has 8 post types and 11 widget areas. The custom sharing buttons, and color schemes are ice on the cake.

Construction Theme Review – WPLook

Why WPlook for Event Promotion Websites ?

Single Page Layout : This new design won’t take much time to display everything from events listings to ticket options. The one page layout is powered by custom sections based homepage so that visitors can easily check each section by scrolling down on the page. If you check the header style then it shows a streaming video intro to attract user’s attention.

You can use promo video or a featured image to customize header background. Each section displays content using full-width block style where user can see latest featured items from different sections. Thanks to custom widget areas and theme options which simplifies homepage customization even for novice who have no coding skill.

Event WPlook - Theme Options

Floating Navigation : WPlook Event WordPress theme shows header navigation on slight down slide, below header featured block. This navigation point is provided with floating style so that user can view menu links all the time. Not only that, each navigation link connects with home section so that user can click and reach particular section in just one moment.

Event Header Menu

This type of design saves time by showing all event contents in one page and also speed up section browsing task with fixed navigation bar that is always visible on top.

Thanks to clear and crisp light weight page design which increase SEO rank by following latest web design rules. You can browse demo and see how it loads pages faster while adding extra smoothness in scrolling process. The wat it shows featured images, home sections, and headings makes it clear to view everything in content area.

Best Features List : WPlook Events Theme

Schedule : If your website doesn’t show schedule in clear way, then attendees will not buy tickets. That’s why, WPlook has integrated schedule management options where organizer companies can clearly display schedule for each session with speaker’s list, total duration for each module and more. If your program is scheduled for more than one day then you can show each day with timing slots, title for each slot, speaker’s list and other details.

When yo show everything about event program then user is likely to register or buy advance ticket.

Event Schedule Listing

Speakers Section : All sections that we are going to describe here are supported by custom post types. So, you won’t use lots of plugins or manual hard work to list out program related details. The speakers listing section can show all speakers information with their specialty, skills or role playing for program. When you introduce speakers on website, it may automatically boost number of visitors. The speaker’s profile page will display short detail, photo, social links, and everything about them.

Event Speakers List

Tickets : This theme supports PayPal so that companies and organizers can easily sell tickets from their site. If you are going to conduct big concert or corporate program then you can also integrate third-party service like Eventbrite. Offering easy way to buy tickets will get more ticket sales for your conferences. Selling tickets from your own website will not send your visitors on other ticket portals and this way, you can keep your clients on your site for long time.

Customization and Other Options : WPlook

Sponsors : These are the people who pays you money to to finance your expenses. You can get lots of financial support by getting maximum sponsors for your program by displaying their banners on website or at program location. When you display big repeated brand logos in sponsors list then it can increase trust for your brand or product. The sponsors listing give you option to add their logo, and custom link.

Event Theme - Sponsors and News

News : This is a blog section that is used as a news or content promotion board. Event WordPress theme uses blog to share updates, offers and tutorials about products or program. You can display blog post with excerpt and thumbnails to entice readers to check full stories.

Contacts : The contact section in demo shows a google map with address, phone, email and other details. You must insert a contact block for events website so that visitors can get in touch with you for any queries or business inquiries. Wide full-width space can display map and contacts everything in single row.

Gallery : Do you have beautiful photos collection to display in gallery board ?. Just grab all photos and list them with gallery option so that visitors can view products, previous program moments and everything.

Event WPlook - Gallery Slider

Final Thought : The main options panel will show you page settings and core features to control slider, general contents, blog and more. There are special tabs available in options board to access gallery, testimonials, ticket, payment, staff, speakers, maps and other options. We recommend this WordPress theme to all people who need professional website to promote their seminars or business exhibition or any conference programs.

WPlook Themes – Event Theme : Click for Demo & Price