AppThemes Clipper Demo : WordPress Coupon Theme

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Meet Clipper by AppThemes which is responsive coupon WordPress theme for deals website. This theme provides you with ready options which helps you to maintain entire coupon platform without technical knowledge. Now a days, people has started using online shopping so most of the smart buyers search for coupons. Tha’s where you can fill this bridge to connect shoppers with best coupons and deals.

Clipper Coupon WordPress Theme - AppThemes

AppThemes coupon template helps you to share deals and coupons in such a way that you automatically earn income. It masks your affiliate URL and coupon codes in smart way to make sure that you earn revenue by sharing deals. Let’s check out all main features so you can figure-out how a coupon website can generate automatic income.

Vantage Review : AppThemes

AppThemes Clipper Theme : Features Review

How To Setup Theme and Homepage : If you want to create a coupon website with this theme, then you need a theme and WordPress CMS. Once you upload and install theme on sever then you will find back-end options. The back-end area gives you custom options so you can setup key sections like Store, Category and Blog pages.

The next task is to start adding coupons which requires you to add custom categories, tags, and create forms. You can either use default form or build custom coupon submission form ans assign it to desired categories. Hence, visitors can come to your site and submit coupons with given form. You can use registration system for each user so they must create account in order to submit contents.

Homepage Slider and New Coupons Section - Clipper

Registered users can submit coupons, view all their data, status and do much more. The administrator can use manual submission method where each listing is only approved by manual check. So illegal or invalid coupons are validated by admin user before approving it for listing. This is how you can add coupons your self or invite visitors to submit from front-end listing form.

Clipper WordPress theme is powered by custom layouts and theme options. So you will be able to use sidebar layouts, header styling, background image, fonts, colors and much more. Apart from that, you can also decide on how your homepage will look. The homepage has options to show-off “Featured Slider” and “New Coupons” section which shares newly submitted coupons.

Coupon Store and Category Page - Clipper

I hope, you have got quick idea on how to setup website, manage coupon submission and other basic setup process. Now we will check remaining key features to get more knowledge.

AppThemes Coupon Theme : Earning Features

Monetization Support : Clipper theme comes with a perfect monetized options so it will create different income options. The theme includes PayPal and Bank transfer payment system so it becomes easier to collection charges for Advertisements and listings. You will be earning affiliate income while sharing coupons. Because, user will see coupon code in a ribbon style box. If you hover mouse on coupon then it will show tool tip message saying “Click to copy and open site”.

Clipper Monetization Tools

So user will just click it to copy the coupon and it will also open your affiliate link to drop the cookie in user’s PC. So every purchase that is made from your coupon is likely to earn affiliate income. There are many big brand stores and product sellers who prefer to pay fees to list their coupon. Hence, they can spread their offers message from coupon sides and get maximum buyers to take offer benefit.

Clipper Settings Page - Options

AppThemes provides different advertising locations which allows user to make additional income. So you can use those built-in Ad spots to display Adsense banner, Affiliate banners or other paid ads. The header, footer and sidebar are optimized to display banners and custom widgets.

Subscribe Widget : Marketers and online coupon stores mostly prefer to use newsletter widget to get email subscribers. Once they build a big list of newsletter subscribers then they can spread every coupon, offer and deals message. Most of the people are likely to check emails and that’s where you can earn money by spreading latest news.

This widget can be placed on sidebar area and it works with most of email services like Aweber, MailChimp and many more. So you will be enjoying managing new subscribers and email marketing which can set a good income stream.

Subscribe Widget - Clipper AppThemes

Other Benefits : Clipper WordPress Theme

Listing Options : If you check a coupon listing from demo then you will find a nice featured preview. Each coupon is displayed under Coupon Store or Category. You can add unlimited coupon stores for different brands and product sellers. The coupon category page shows types of products so user can easily search content on the website. For e.g. if some one is willing to buy cloths then he can either open coupon store page for desired brand. If he is not sure about brand then he can directly click on “Cloths” category to find best deals.

Coupon Submission Form and Custom Fields - Clipper

Whether you go on archive page, category page, store page or homepage, you will see attractive featured listings everywhere. The coupons listing block will display featured thumbnail, brand/store name, title (e.g. 20% Off Sandals), excerpt view (with read more button) etc. Apart from that, you will be able to see list of categories, tags and validity section with start and expiry date.

You should know that coupon submission form provides fields options so help you submit maximum details. So user can know the validity, conditions, and all other details.

Coupon Listing Features - Clipper AppThemes

Interactive Features : Clipper shows coupon code in a unique ribbon type box which entice user to click the button. The right top section shows voting button so visitors can click Thumbs Up if coupon worked for them and Thumbs down if didn’t work. Based on the voting, the box will display percentage of success so that visitors can know which coupon should they try.

The listing featured box shows a horizontal bar with Total views, Today views, Share button (social links), and Comments link with count. The right most side in this section shows a link named “Report a Problem”. This link shows a predefined reasons which can be selected to report about invalid, spam or expired coupons. This report will be visible to administrator and it can help coupon site owner to remove invalid contents to maintain visitor’s trust.

More About : Clipper AppThemes

As I said earlier that you will get Store and Category page templates to list all coupons. These are the sections which shows all stores, categories with total coupon listing count. So visitors can go on either page and see all existing stores and product categories to find coupons. If you go on header then it has primary and navigation menu. The logo appears on left and menu can either be on right of logo or below header.

Clipper Header Menu and Search Box

The header provides a dedicated search box so user can just enter any text (brand name, store name, product name) and find fresh deals. You can create menu with custom links to access registration page, store page, blog page and other links. Clipper theme also helps you to display social media links on header. Social profile links can increase your followers and they can be your future asset to share deals and offers.

The footer and sidebar both are widget areas to spread custom links, new coupons, popular coupons, top store. AppThemes has offered many custom widgets apart from basic collection, so you can get more page-views for all latest deals from sidebar. Just check demo that shows Share A Coupon link, Subscribe box, Coupon categories and other stuff.

Clipper Custom Widgets

Same way, you can also promote best deals, offers and Ad banners in footer and sidebar widget areas. This coupon WordPress theme supports custom sidebar, so you can choose different sidebar and widgets for all pages. Just check blog page, store page, homepage and category section which shows different widgets.

Conclusion : AppThemes

Clipper has ready options to setup payment, price plans, Ad integration, Currency, Listings, and more. So you need little WordPress familiarity to start your own coupon sharing website. Each use gets access to custom dashboard to check profile, submission, expired listings, and other stuff. The back-end section has statistical system which shows performance by showing performance, clicks and visits.

Last but not least Importing Tool let’s you submit bulk coupons with CSV file and you can map your data with CSV file to transfer data from old site to new site. I would like to recommend this theme to every one who needs an SEO ready and flexible coupon theme. It supports mobiles and all screen types so you will be getting all types of visitors and huge income stream.

AppThemes – Clipper Theme : Click for Demo & Price