BluChic Marilyn : Feminine WordPress Theme for Women Bloggers

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Marilyn is a premium WordPress theme especially crafted for fashion bloggers. This Feminine theme is powered by BluChic and it is primarily released for women bloggers wanting to share their best fashion tips and other news. From what we read on the product page, it says that Marilyn is a WordPress blogging theme. But that’s not the only way to use it.

Marilyn Demo - WordPress Feminine Blog Theme by BluChic

You can try it out to create stand along blog or create a personal site for small business or to promote services. The homepage that you see in the demo is “Static Page” which shows slider, custom contents and featured blocks. This type of homepage layouts are helpful to promote business, affiliate products or any type of contents.

Lynette Review : Bluchic

Marilyn BluChic : Best Features Review

Custom Menu and Header : The top part of this WordPress blog template is shared between 2 elements. The first is custom menu which shows all selected links at one place. This menu bar is powered by WordPress custom menus feature. So it just uses drag and drop method to add main links on navigation bar. Mostly, bloggers add main category and page template links on top navigation bar. And if you have more links then you can add sub-links and display them using menu-drop down feature.

The header is customizable with your own design and logo. That’s why Marilyn provides custom header PSD in the package. You can edit this PhotoShop file to add you own image and background for header. Alternatively, you can also insert other header image but it should have maximum 1020 px width.

Marilyn Preview - Blog theme for female bloggers

Slider For Top Contents : The homepage area is always counted as best place to share main contents. That’s why bloggers, business and all other types of website shows main links and contents on frontpage. This WordPress theme also gives you flexibility to add desired contents within certain limit. The top part of homepage provides option to enable slideshow section.

You can enable slideshow and newsletter (right) from theme options panel. Once slider is enabled, then you can pick best contents from your blog or any other section. The slides let’s you highlight 3 main elements : Featured image, Title and Links with button text. This way, you can nice visitors to check out all best items : e.g. Popular Post, Top affiliate product reviews, Special offers, New service and more.

Other Homepage Features :

Newsletter Block : The homepage creates opportunity to get more visitors to signup for your newsletter. For that reason, Marilyn WordPress theme provides support for MailChimp. Once you enable it from back-end and insert MailChimp code in newsletter section, you can get more readers. Just keep getting more subscribers from homepage and share all future posts using newsletter.

Bluchic Options Panel - Marilyn Mailchimp Newsletter form

The newsletter box is displayed on the right of slideshow area. So most of the home visitors are likely to see your newsletter box. For marketing professional and bloggers, this feature can do wonder if used in right way. Once you have a large collection of email address then you can use it to get more page-views and affiliate sales for future promotion.

Home Content and Featured Blocks : Right below slideshow, yo will see a few text lines which is known as content section of homepage. This is intro area where bloggers and authors can add their personal introduction. Whatever you add from homepage template editor will show up here. So this is good way to add introduction with text and other contents.

Home Content and Featured Widget - Marilyn Homepage

The next is “Featured section” which has 3 columns area to display custom links. Demo shows this section in bottom, but you can also display it on the top. “Ace Featured Widget” is used to manage this section which is developed by BluChic. The widget includes fields to add Title, Picture and custom URL to link Image to source page or any external links.

These featured blurbs are helpful to take home visitors onto blog, service, contact, or any other pages. They are shortcut to help visitors land on main sections from homepage.

Blog Features : Marilyn BluChic

Blog Template : The homepage demo shows a static page with slider, featured contents and other stuff. But if you need a stand along blog then you can set blog template as homepage and just display latest posts on homepage area. Or you can use static homepage and add blog as separate section in your website. The blog page has custom layout with sidebar options : left and right positions.

Blog Page with Sidebar widgets - Marilyn

If you don’t need sidebar for blog then you can also disable it. But keeping it enabled would be more helpful to promote contents on blog and single post. The blog sidebar can show off banners, adsense ads, recent posts, social links, author intro box and more. The blog page shows all new posts in list view style accompanied by feature image and excerpt entire with “Read more” link.

Blog Post Features : Every single post should be engaging to get more views for your website. That’s why Marilyn WordPress theme let’s you display author box with complete introduction below each article. You can also use custom signature with each post to give it a personalized touch for every author. The bottom of single article can display Next/Previous posts so reader can visit subsequent articles. Or readers can also check out other similar posts from “Related Posts” section.

Below Post Area - Marilyn BluChic

Final Words :

Footer Options : The footer area is optimized to get you more followers for your social media profiles. If you want to increase followers for Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest then you can enable social panel for footer area. The options page just asks you to click one button to enable social bar on footer. Once you enable it then you can add custom links for each social site. It also provides color style options to choose custom background and hover colors for social links.

The “Instagram” widget shows all photos from Instagram profile on the bottom of website. So you can share your best snaps with readers using full-width footer Instagram panel. This theme is not only optimized for blogging but it also provides great features to simplify reading and content browsing.

Color Customizer - Marilyn Options

This responsive chic blogging theme works on all devices and browser programs. Not only that, it has visual customizer where you can edit colors, fonts and everything while watching preview. In my opinion, it should be first choice for all modern women bloggers.

Bluchic – Marilyn Theme : Click for Demo & Price